We've had a lot of fun with pumpkins this week.
We began talking about the size of the pumpkin. Each child cut a piece of yarn that they felt would fit around the pumpkin perfectly. After seeing who got it right, we headed to the bathtub....
Sink or float?
We talked about things that sink and float. We started with a toy boat and a rock.
Then, I asked each child, "Is this pumpkin going to float like a boat, or sink like a rock?" We graphed our predictions.
Then, we put it to the test. It floats!!
I cut out pumpkin shapes and jack-o-lantern shapes from felt. This is a fun quiet activity. And, its great for working on colors.
During outside time, we cut open the pumpkin and let the children explore.
Next week, we will roast the pumpkin seeds, talk about the life cycle of a pumpkin, and bake some pumpkin goodies!